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24 Jul 2013

Dating Secrets Guide

I recently ran across the new Dating Secrets guide, by Tony Sanders and since it's getting quite a bit of attention out there right now, I wanted to run through what my initial impressions were. I have not yet read the book, but I have gone through the contents and reviewed some other articles and thus far stand very impressed by what I see.
What does the Dating Secrets guide offer that so few newcomers to this game offer? First up, we get a writer who really seems to have run the gauntlet of failure before reaching the big time. His name is Tony Sanders and he's a former and future video game writer (lots of Warcraft and Farmville stuff). That hasn't stopped him from branching out and studying the secrets of dating with his Dating Secrets guide, however.

What the Dating Secrets Guide Has to Offer

A quick look inside the Dating Secrets Guide will show you that Tony wasn't sitting idle between his gaming guides. He's put together dozens of strategies, starting from the basics of just "understanding women". From there, he's expanded, covering things like communication basics, body language, inner game (to a small degree), how to talk to women, how to meet women, and more. 

The best part from my initial impressions of the Dating Secrets guide however were the last few sections about actually talking to a woman, then going on a date (and dating her in the future). Future dating tips are almost always missing from these kinds of guides, and at the end you have a nice guide to intimacy during or after that first date. 

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that this Dating Secrets guide looks pretty good. It's got a lot of solid, well written information. Tony has definitely done his research, and in the process created an exciting new product that will likely have newcomers to PUA talking for some time. 

Full Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Dating Secrets and make money when a guide is purchased. 

Exciting Ways to be More Interesting

So you're having trouble meeting women. You're certainly not alone. While that may be a comforting thought to a certain extent – i.e. I'm not a total loser then – it also means that you've got some competition out there. You've got to find a way to set yourself apart from every other lonely guy out there if you're really going to have a shot at meeting and getting to know a woman.

How to Be Memorable

Sure a hot guy is going to stand out in a woman's mind. But to be honest, women can look at hot guys anytime they want to – on TV, in magazines, or even just walking down the street. Even the hottest guy out there isn't much more than eye candy, though, if nothing comes out when they open their mouth.
If you really want to make a good impression on a woman, or really any impression for that matter, you need to have something of substance to contribute to the conversation. Telling the same tired old stories about high school sports or college shenanigans might be the easiest way to go, but it's not going to help you stand out from the crowd. 
What you really need is to be able to share something about yourself that will make the woman stop and take a closer look at you (but not in a creepy way, of course). Basically, you have to be interesting.

Acquiring an Interest

So how do you magically transform yourself into a more interesting person? There are several ways, really, but one is to simply pick up a new hobby or social activity. Take a class, join a book club, volunteer at the local homeless shelter. That way when you're talking to a woman, you'll actually have something interesting to tell her about yourself.
And just when you thought it couldn't get better – these types of activities are actually a great way to meet women too. They provide instant context, making conversations easier to start and giving the impression that you already have a lot in common. 
They also make it easier to draw out the introduction process because you'll have a guaranteed number of group interactions. This can take a little of the pressure off because you'll have more than one shot at making that great and lasting impression. Just don't put off making your move for too long or you could very easily miss your chance. 

22 Jul 2013

How to Improve Yourself to be More Attractive to Women

How to Improve Yourself to be More Attractive to Women

Sure there are lots of techniques that can help you talk to women more comfortably and effectively. But what if they're just plain not interested. Let's face it, a confident demeanor and a charming wit will go only so far. You may even be able to make a lot of female friends armed with those tools. But if that physical sexual attractiveness just isn't there, you may have to simply do something about your appearance.

Get in Shape

Now no one's saying you need to be a body builder. In fact, most women don't really find that look all that attractive. You should be in decent shape, though, if you're trying to attract someone of the finer sex. 
On top of the fact that it just plain looks better, being in shape sends the message that you care about your appearance and have a decent amount of self-respect. In other words, it tells the women out there that you're not a slob. You wouldn't take a woman to your apartment without cleaning and organizing it first, would you? Then why would you present that same kind of sloppy appearance in public.

Keep Tidy

Along the same lines, you should make sure that your clothes are stylish, that they fit right, and that they're well maintained. No one's going to go for the guy with his ten year old flannel half tucked into his holey jeans. You don't have to go out and buy all the latest fashions, but make sure you have some clothes to wear out that flatter you and present the right image. 
Plus, wearing these types of clothes will make you feel better about yourself. You'll come across as more confident, and that's always a selling point with the ladies.

Keep Your Cool

One sure fire way to turn women off is by seeming too needy or clingy. Don't throw yourself all over them and try to talk them into dating you. It's pretty easy to see why that's not going to work. The problem is that you may not be aware that you're doing it.
You need to refine your approach so that you're both approachable to women and slightly mysterious. Don't put it all out there or you'll be written off easily as one or another type of guy. If a woman can't automatically categorize you, she'll be much more likely to keep a conversation going and actually get to know you a bit. 

Dating Secrets Review

It's been a while since I've sat down to do this, but I wanted to get my Dating Secrets review up and running as soon as possible because there are a lot of people out there asking about it. So, what's the deal with Dating Secrets? Is it really a top new guide on the market, or is it yet another pale imitation?

Dating Secrets Review Highlights

Let's start with the good stuff. Dating Secrets comes from Tony Sanders, a self-prescribed "reformed" nerd who has since gone on to become quite the ladies' man. His story is one we're all familiar with – the long years of complete failure finally capped by a rush to understand women, and ultimately learn how to meet them in any setting.
By the looks of this guide, I'd say Sanders succeeded, because it is written with all the PUA staples, plus quite a few nuggets of gold from his own life. These days, you pretty much have to expect to hear about inner game, body language, changing her state, and all the other buzz words of the pickup. 

But, Tony Sanders sticks to mostly tangible, real world issues that guys can relate to (something a lot of pickup artists stumble on as they get deeper into their game). It's pretty much the guide for any guy who doesn't feel comfortable with the heavy duty, thickly laid "pickup" tactics that so many of the top-end guys are using. 

Dating Secrets Review Caveats

Of course, because of that down-to-earth style of writing, Dating Secrets isn't the perfect guide if your only goal is to meet women, have sex with them, and then meet more women. This is a guide for men who want to better understand and then date women. 
Of course, as most PUAs will tell you, having these tactics in hand will make the sex and dating part much easier.

Bottom Line

There are a lot of Dating Secrets review writers out there, and most of them will tell you the same thing. If you're just getting started at overhauling your dating strategies, Dating Secrets is a great place to start. 

Full Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Dating Secrets and make money when a guide is purchased. 

Reasons She Isn’t Interested and How to Counter

So, you go out and meet a woman, get her number, wait the appropriate amount of time to call, and then never hear back. Or better yet, the number isn't hers. If this sounds all too familiar to you, it's because it happens to tons of guys every day. For one reason or another, a girl just isn't interested in getting to know them at all after the initial encounter.
So why don't they give you a chance? Actually it could be one of many reasons. Of course, sometimes a woman just isn't right for you and her lack of interest will tell you that. Other times, though, the lack of interest may be a result of something that you can change.


A woman may not be interested in you based solely on your appearance. This doesn't mean you don't have what it takes to be attractive to that kind of woman. You just need to know how to use what you got. Hit the gym, invest in a new wardrobe, maybe even add (or subtract) the facial hair. Altering your appearance in any of these ways can help to increase your natural physical appeal.


You have to remember that going up to a woman that you've just met doesn't all need to be about dating and relationships and setting up a time to get together. If you can engage in actual conversation and show the woman that you actually think about things besides picking up women, you'll be able to get her attention much more effectively. 
Keep up on current events, read a book, or even just keep a list of conversation topics handy. Also, practice paying attention to what she's talking about so that you know what subject areas she might be interested in. 

Don't Hesitate

If you see a woman you're interested in, either go up to her or don't. But whatever you do, don't stare. More often than not, the woman (or one of her friends) will notice you gawking and she'll write you off before you even had a chance to introduce yourself. 
Also, making a quick approach exudes confidence, something that is definitely attractive to women. And best of all, it doesn't give you time to overthink the whole think and psych yourself out. There's certainly something to be said for being prepared before you approach a woman you're interested in, but that preparation shouldn't come while you're standing behind her in line at the bank. Get ready ahead of time so that when an opportunity presents itself you can make a good first impression.